The Central European Regulatory Forum - CERF was created on the 15th of December 2009 by the regulatory authorities supervising the electronic media in the countries of the Central Europe. It currently comprises the following members:

  • Czech Republic (Council for Radio and TV Broadcasting),
  • Hungary (Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority),
  • Poland (National Broadcasting Council),
  • Slovakia (Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission of the Slovak Republic),
  • Romania (National Audiovisual Council),
  • Serbia (Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media),
  • Croatia (Agency for Electronic Media of the Republic of Croatia),
  • Slovenia (Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia)


CERF meeting in Bratislava in 2012

The main aim of this regional cooperation organisation is to enhance the cooperation among the regulatory authorities of Central Europe. The CERF was established by a Memorandum of Understanding. It serves as a tool to address the challenges posed by the advent of digitalization with special regard to the prolific number of transfrontier audiovisual media services and should facilitate the handling of cross-border issues. The CERF holds one meeting per year at the invitation of a regulatory authority. CBR has hosted meetings of the CERF already two times: in 2012 in Bratislava and in 2016 in Košice.

CERF meeting in Košice in 2016